HR glossary / E / Employee Net Promoter Score (eNPS)

Employee Net Promoter Score (eNPS)


The Employee Net Promoter Score (eNPS) is a tool used to measure the loyalty and engagement of employees towards their employer. It is based on one key question: “How likely are you to recommend our company as a place to work to your friends or family?”. Responses are measured on a scale of 0 to 10.

Those who respond with scores between 0 and 6 are considered “Detractors”, meaning they are dissatisfied with their workplace. Those who score between 7 and 8 are “Passives”, and those giving scores of 9 or 10 are “Promoters”. The eNPS is calculated by subtracting the percentage of Detractors from the percentage of Promoters.

eNPS is an easy-to-use tool that can provide valuable insights into the levels of engagement and satisfaction among employees. However, to get a comprehensive view of employee satisfaction, it’s often used in conjunction with other research tools.


What makes eNPS a valuable tool for organizations?

eNPS is valuable because it provides a simple and clear metric that reflects the overall health of an organization’s culture and employee satisfaction. It can serve as an early warning system for deeper issues within the company, enabling leaders to take proactive steps before these issues affect productivity and turnover.

Organizations typically measure eNPS at regular intervals, such as quarterly or bi-annually, to keep a timely check on employee sentiment. However, it may also be measured after major company events or changes, such as restructuring or significant management shifts, to understand how these changes have impacted employee perception.

Yes, eNPS can vary significantly between different departments or teams within the same company, reflecting how various policies, leadership styles, and team dynamics influence employee satisfaction. Discrepancies in scores across departments can provide valuable insights into areas where specific improvements can be made.


Identifying improvement areas

Helps pinpoint departments or teams with low eNPS scores that may need targeted interventions to enhance employee satisfaction.

Measuring Impact of HR initiatives

Tracks the effectiveness of new HR strategies or changes in company policy to see how they impact employee loyalty and satisfaction.

Enhancing recruitment strategies

A high eNPS can be a selling point in recruitment materials, showcasing the company as a desirable place to work.

Supporting employee retention

Regular eNPS tracking can help retain talent by ensuring ongoing adjustments to improve work environment and employee engagement.

Benchmarking performance

Allows companies to benchmark against industry standards or competitors, aiming to improve or maintain a superior eNPS score.

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HR glossary / E / Employee Net Promoter Score (eNPS)

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