HR glossary / F / Flexible employment forms

Flexible employment forms


Flexible employment forms refer to various collaboration models with employees that deviate from traditional, full-time employment contracts. These include gig work, temporary contracts, part-time jobs, or remote work. The aim is to tailor employment conditions to the individual needs of employees and the dynamically changing job market.

In the era of globalization and technological advancement, flexible employment forms are becoming increasingly popular. They offer employers the ability to quickly adapt to market changes and employees a better balance between their professional and personal lives. Many individuals appreciate the opportunity to choose an employment form that aligns with their current life situation.

However, flexible employment also presents certain challenges. It can lead to feelings of job insecurity among employees or difficulties in building team relationships if members work under different employment models. Hence, the management of such employment forms must be well-thought-out and adapted to a particular organization’s specifics.

HRnest facilitates flexible employment by allowing companies to customize leave requests and set specific vacation limits for individual employees. Additionally, the platform offers five distinct time tracking options, enabling tailored time registration for diverse work arrangements.


What are the benefits of flexible employment for businesses?

Flexible employment can help businesses reduce overhead costs, access a wider talent pool, and increase employee retention rates. By offering flexible work options, companies can attract top talent who seek a better work-life balance or who may prefer the flexibility due to personal commitments or lifestyle choices.

Flexible employment often leads to higher productivity as employees are allowed to work during hours and in environments that best suit their working style and personal obligations. However, it requires self-discipline from employees and trust from employers, as the traditional supervisory mechanisms might not always apply.

Implementing flexible employment forms can pose challenges such as difficulty in team coordination, tracking performance, and maintaining company culture. Companies need to invest in appropriate technological tools and develop policies that support effective communication and performance management to address these challenges.


Work from home

Enables employees to perform their tasks from a home office, reducing commute time and expenses.

Compressed workweeks

Allows employees to work their required hours in fewer days, offering longer periods of off time.

Job sharing

Two or more individuals share the responsibilities of one full-time position, offering flexibility and diversity in skill sets.

Seasonal work

Provides opportunities for employment during peak seasons without committing to year-round employment.

Contract work

Engages professionals for specific projects with a clear start and end date, offering expertise as needed.

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HR glossary / F / Flexible employment forms

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