How to radically reduce paperwork using HRnest?

Case study

Pracownicy firmy, która korzysta z programu do urlopów i delegacji
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IT, accounting
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About the company

InFakt offers modern accounting solutions for self-employed sole proprietorships and companies, available via web and a mobile app. In addition to the invoicing and accounting software, the company provides complete accounting services, linking the entrepreneur with his or her personal accountant. It also provides access to tools that protect the financial liquidity of companies and helps to start a sole proprietorship from scratch. Currently, inFakt has over 500,000 registered users.

InFakt was awarded by Aula Polska with the Auler 2011 award, given to people and companies who are role models for Polish technology business, and in 2014 – the AppAward for the mobile application of the year, as well as the main prize in the Mobile Trends Awards 2015 competition.

Company’s challenges before HRnest was implemented

We had a lot of paperwork because basically every document was produced in a paper version. What’s more, all documents had to be scanned so that they could be accessed on our computers. We were also using Excel to keep a record of holiday leaves, which, of course, had to be updated manually on an ongoing basis in order to control the holiday entitlements. In fact, leave requests were the most difficult to handle – very often they were completed incorrectly or unsigned, and the HR department had to correct them. And to do so we had to locate a given employee or obtain the necessary signature from his or her manager, which was sometimes quite a challenge.

In case of business trips some employees were not aware that they should submit a business trip order or simply forgot to complete it or give it to their supervisor for signature. The settling of the business trips was also problematic – collecting all documentation, bills, invoices etc. often required the support of the HR and Payroll department, which was time-consuming for us.

And last but not least: our working time records were based on paper attendance lists, created in a text editor. So it happened that employees forgot to sign it, or they signed the wrong list – as we used to have two separate companies with two attendance lists…

Infakt office

Implemented solutions

HRnest implementation and use

In order to save time and cut on all this paperwork we started looking for a software that would allow us to handle it all electronically, and that’s how we found HRnest. At the beginning, we were only using the leave management module, but then we gradually upgraded it. The implementation itself did not take long – the system is so user-friendly and intuitive that we quickly adapted to it. In fact, I haven’t noticed any problems with using it.

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Benefits of using HRnest

Recently, I was wondering what it would be like if we were still using traditional paper documents today and I think it would be impossible to run the company, given the number of employees we currently have.

HRnest has definitely saved time and reduced all this paperwork. All data on absences, business trips and employee work schedule are now in one place, available online, and they are constantly monitored.

We’ve also significantly reduced the time necessary for settling business trips – now it takes just a few clicks, and the system allows you to add attachments. The electronic attendance list has also proven successful, because even if someone forgets about it, we are able to notice and correct it on an ongoing basis. Thanks to the fact that we have integrated HRnest with our internal communicator, employees immediately receive notifications that their application has been approved. It is a very convenient solution for employees as they no longer have to spend so much time and energy to submit an application and then get a signature.

On the other hand, supervisors and managers appreciate the fact that they have an ongoing insight into what is happening with their employees. They no longer need to find out in HR, whether, for example, an employee has completed the formalities related to the business trip or submitted a holiday request, because they can check it themselves. We have also significantly reduced the risk of losing documents because now everything is in an electronic version.

I can say with full conviction that HRnest is a reliable system. This has been proven again recently when we had to handle a lot of situations from the ‘extreme cases’ category and each time we received professional help from the HRnest team. We value this kind of customer care very much.

Weronika Wygoda
Junior Accountant
inFakt Sp. z o.o.

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