HR digitalization is not Rocket Science

Case study

Syderal Polska logo
Syderal Polska Logo
With HRnest since
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Company description

Syderal Polska Sp. z o.o. is a company providing electronics and software solutions for the space industry. The company was established in 2016 as a joint venture between the Swiss company Syderal, which has more than 25 years of experience in implementing projects for the space sector, and the Polish industrial electronics company 3CityElectronics.

Syderal strona

How did the company manage before?

Before implementing HRnest, the company used a different solution for time tracking, but using it was cumbersome for both the HR person and the employees. How does Zuzanna Ruminska recall working with the tool?

Unfortunately, working with the previous tool was sometimes difficult. The interface was not clear, in addition, there were errors in counting vacation days when public vacations overlapped. The tool was quite clumsy and did not allow for comprehensive HR support.

Specjalista HR

Zuzanna Rumińska

HR Specialist

Wykorzystywanie tego narzędzia często doprowadzało do niespójności, która należało za każdym razem indywidualnie rozpatrywać.  

Implemented solutions

HRnest as a problem-solving solution

Zuzanna Rumińska had already implemented the HRnest system in her previous company. Most importantly, she was familiar with the application's capabilities and knew that it would help put HR matters in order. So without hesitation she decided to take the same step at SYDERAL Poland.

My main requirement was the correct counting of leave days. I knew how HRnest works, and I knew that it could look different and better than what we had so far. I expected much more than what the current tool provided. In HRnest, there is a clear record of working hours. Overtime is clearly presented, and time registration is intuitive. There is also the option to take compensatory time off, which is a crucial feature for our company.

HRnest is not only a convenient and transparent system for recording working time. It's also an electronic leave requests and leave planner that improves the company's absence management, as well as the ability to manage business trips and employee documentation. All this is accessible from any device and anywhere in the world through an online application.

An HR system that truly helps employees

Employees initially approached the new solution with some distance. However, it only took a few meetings with our support team and familiarization with the instructions of our tool for their attitude toward HRnest to change.

The smooth implementation helped convince employees. I assume mainly due to the correct visibility of requests and vacation days, which is what they really cared about. The superiors can see on the calendar when someone is away and what the vacation plans look like in their teams. Everyone is happy, and the company gains a lot. As IT engineers, we also appreciated the technical support - as soon as we report any problems, we see a response right away. We can see that the system is alive.

At HRnest, the employee is provided with constant access to information on unused leave, as well as an overview of his leave history. The request itself can be issued with 3 clicks, and email notifications keep him informed of its status.

Time attendance tracking? Finally transparent

As part of time tracking at SYDERAL Polska, employees log their time spent on individual projects. Before the introduction of HRnest, they used another tool for recording their working hours. However, that tool didn't offer as many possibilities as HRnest does.

With HRnest, I have the ability to view who, what, and when registers their working hours. This allows me to see when an employee has not recorded their working hours for a specific project. In such cases, I can verify whether it was time dedicated to office work or other activities. Now, important data is displayed very clearly, which is crucial for us.

HR reports that create themselves

Easily downloadable reports have also proven to be very useful in day-to-day work. Importantly, not only the HR department benefited from their presence in HRnest, but other departments as well.

I really like how the reports are generated. Currently, we don't even have to edit them; the file generated from HRnest contains everything it should. This saves us a lot of time and also reduces the number of tools we need to use.

In the Work Time module, you can generate necessary reports related to working hours and project progress in a matter of moments. In the HRnest system, data is constantly refreshed, which allows us to have an up-to-date picture of the situation. The full and simplified time tracking records can be easily exported to Excel or PDF files.

I had quite high expectations when it comes to functionality, and at the same time, I was looking for something intuitive, user-friendly, and cost-effective for a small company. With full confidence, I can say that HRnest has met all of them.

Zuzanna Rumińska
HR Specialist
Syderal Polska

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