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Updates – A number of new changes in Leave, Work Time and Personal file modules

Check out the latest system updates


Possibility to show / hide holiday plans on the List of absentees – decide if a holiday plans without issued request(s) will be displayed on the absence list.

Vacation plans visible on the list of absent persons.
Plan view in the list of absentees.

The function forcing the indication of a replacement in the holiday request is active only for employees and managers – it does not apply to requests issued from the HR Department account.

Forcing the indication of a replacement in the vacation requests, active only for employee and managerial accounts.

Standardizing the order of filters in the system – Contact type, Organization, Department, User.

Standardization of filters in the HRnest system.

Adding the ‘Contract Type’ filter to the Monthly holiday entitlement report.

New filter in the Monthly Leave Entitlement report.

Work time

Adding a filter that allows you to quickly generate a weekly report on Projects realization.

Weekly report on project execution.

Possibility to edit the nominal value in Work schedules – option available in the schedule editing mode.

Editing nominal value in schedules.

The option to add working hours in Work schedules is available only for days after the employee’s hiring date.

Adding a working hour for an employee is possible only for days after the date of employment.

Personal file

Adding permissions for employees enabling ability to share documents in the Personal file module – the function is available in the details of the employee’s account in the Personal file tab -> Permissions.

Granting rights to employees so that they can add documents in the Personal file module.

Adding a new filter ‘Contract type’ when adding accesses to Documents.

Step 1

Documents in the Personal file module for selected types of contracts - new filter.

Step 2

New filter "Contract Type" in the window for adding access to documents.

Option to send notifications to employees about newly created / added documents in the Personal file module – it is visible in the document editing mode, section for adding permissions.

Possibility to send notifications to employees informing about adding a new document in the Personal file.
E-mail notification view about a new document in the Personal file.

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